Monday 29 December 2014


Year 2014 is coming to a close already!

I started this year in high hopes and made it a year of gratitude. I said to my self, "I would count my blessings and name them one by one."
I thank God for the gift of life,
... for good health of mind and body
... for my family; the best husband, adorable children
... for good friends and loved ones
... for providence; Clothe, food, shelter
... for inspiration, motivation and life's experiences
... for God's favour, mercies and unending love
... for everything

This year also hit me with a great loss. I chose not to count this as loss. but I am grateful to God for He says that we should be thankful in ALL things.

In all, I am grateful to God for 2014 and I look forward to a better year 2015.

I wish everyone a Happy new year in advance and pray that year 2015 would be a year where visions would be made clear, decisions made, actions taken, miracles received, hope restored and dreams would be fulfilled.

To a prosperous year ahead...


Thursday 11 December 2014

Toxic Relationships

A toxic relationship is any association between two or more people that is harmful or damaging to one or more of the parties involved in ways that constantly drains one’s energy in both obvious and subtle ways.

Relationships should be founded on admiration, acceptance, mutual respect and appreciation( this list not exhaustive), but can in time become unhealthy and take on a poisonous aura. 

Toxic relationships interfere with those involved. It makes living a productive and healthy life difficult.

Toxicity in a relationship is caused by the incompatibility of the persons involved in the relationship.  
In some cases, there is no one to blame for the toxicity, rather the toxicity is caused by the inability to commune and establish healthy boundaries.
In other cases, one party, targets and prey upon others for their own personal needs and gratification.  The prey is seeking to emotionally and psychologically dehydrate others, removing all that is possible for their own selfish benefits.  Such individuals have a manipulative style, and will frequently maneuver their way into any relationship that they perceive as beneficial. 

Toxic personalities are too self-absorbed and preoccupied with their own emotions, interests, needs, and goals to be aware of the needs, goals, interests and emotions of others. 

Toxicity can manifest in all forms of relationships;  Husband – Wife, Parent –Children, Sibling – Sibling, between friends, Dating relationships, In the workplace etc.

Here are a few questions to engage your thoughts on
  1. How does this person(s) make you feel?
  2. Do you feel safe in their presence?
  3. Do you feel your children, partners or others are safe?
  4. Have you ever felt emotional or psychological distress when interacting with the person(s)?
  5. Do you feel that you are always on guard around this individual?
  6. Have you ever been caught in the web of their triangulation? 
  7. Is the person manipulative or conniving? 
  8. Have you ever felt the person may push moral, ethical, or legal boundaries?
  9. Do you ever feel as though the person adds unnecessary challenges to your life?
  10. Do you feel emotionally drained after dealing with the person?
Do you have any TOXIC relationship story? Please share with us.